Туризм и спорт в Беларуси. Свободный сайт для планирования событий спортивной и туристической тематики. Здесь те, кто гоняет во всю мощь.
I am a poor french man and so use altavista babelfish to read this website (!)... I am searching for days the russian maps 50k for France... I know it exists but I can't find it.
Could you help me in my search?
Thanks a lot
There are not 50000 russian maps. There are only 100000-200000 maps on this website http://info.poehali.net/c00000/1/ , and many other websites. Look at this https://poehali.net/forum/sajt/karty/spisok-resursov/
This maps are only in russian
I know such maps exist as I find it on US vendor, check here : http://www.cartographic.com/xq/ASP/AreaID.3/RegionID.99/CategoryID.5/ProductID.6/Europe/FRANCE/qx/data/topographic/maps/catalog.asp
But if even you don't know it exists, I am not ready to find it! :'(
It is post-USSR. To find this maps is hopeless business. Because, they are secret by militarians. And all websites, devoted by maps, are carefully checking by them. Search this maps in other sites, outside post-USSR.
look at this http://www.gisa.ru/10425.html
Thanks for your support!
Website doesn't seem to work but will try later...
Checked the website but do not understand anything ???