Официальная информация по бреветам, флешам, рандонне

Письмо Люку Коппину 28.08.jpg

Повторное письмо Люку Коппину (от 28.08.2024, предыдущее было 13.06.2024) - Президенту АСР, Главному утверждающему в АСР Флеши, Трейсы, Р5000, Р10000

Письмо в АСР от 14.10.2025 с Планом бреветов 200, 300, 400, 600, 1000 (BRM) на 2025г

Письмо (сводная заявка) в АСР от 15.10.2025 c перечнем нужных медалей.
В аттаче - исходные данные (заявки от участников бреветов LRM, BRM).

Письмо Фабюреля 16_10 про план.jpg

Письмо из АСР - от Джона-Гульберта Фабюреля с оценкой Плана РБ по бреветам


Кто: Tal Katzir
Кому: LRM Representative
Дата: 20.12.2024
Тема: LRM President's Letter

Hello all,

The December 2024 communication from LRM is just below.
But first, I'd like to confirm that I have the correct information for your country.
I have taken the contacts list from the ACP web site.
Please respond to this email and confirm; or fill up the following details, if any information needs any updates.
If you've done so since the Fall 2024 letter (Oct/2024,) or your details haven't changed - No need to update me.

Organization Name:

Primary Contact Name:
Mobile Phone:

Secondary Contact Name (if any):
Mobile Phone:

December 2024


I hope that this letter finds you well.
There are 5 items in this communication:

1. Calendar

Currently, there are 88 events in the 2025 season.

As part of making our information more accessible, I've created a Google Calendar that holds the current LRM Calendar.
You can view it here:

And here's an iCal link so you could add it to your Google Calendar (in addition to your other calendar(s).)

I'd love to hear what you think, and if you have any notes and comments.

2. LRM Calendar

Note, that any information there, is already publicly available in our current calendar, at

And I'll use this opportunity to remind you to use discretion and refrain from using personal details (like email) publicly on the internet.

I plan to post the above links on the LRM website next week,
so you have time to correct/change/update/delete any information needed.

3. New medal design

The new medals are already dispatching by Carmela, our Vice President.
You can see a pic of it in an attachment of this email.

4. Challenge Lepertel

There's a Google Form for submitting applications for Challenge Lepertel:

Any submission will trigger a script that will read the application details, and verify it with LRM and PBP records.
Then it'll send an email to the country's representative (with the applicant in CC) with all the details,
and whether the application seems to be valid or not, and if not - A reason should be given as well,
so the applicant could correct and resubmit the application.

The country's representative must approve the application by replying to the email (it was sent from my account,) as it involves money that needs to be collected from the applicant.

So far it's been working well for more than 10 applications.

5. International Awards

The LRM website now lists International Awards.
Those are awards not managed by LRM, but by specific countries, for riding LRM events in more than one country.
Currently, there are 3 such awards:
In North America, Europe, and Asia.
Other regions are welcomed to create such awards, and I'll be happy to list them on the website.
I could think of several that could be created: South America, Scandinavia, Balkan, Oceania, to name a few. :-)

6. WhatsApp Group of the Representatives

As most of you already know - We have a WhatsApp group for the representatives, so we could have quick communication if needed.
There are already more than 45 members there, and the traffic is low, about 1-2 messages per week.
If you are not a member yet, and would like to join this WhatsApp group - Please respond with your phone number (or numbers, if you'd like to have more than one phone.)
My phone number is: +972-54-544-7654

That WhatsApp group is not the official place for announcements - Email (such as this) will continue to be the only official communication form.

I wish you all good health, much joy, happy holidays, and great cycling.

Regards, Tal Katzir
President, Les Randonneurs Mondiaux.